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The Awakening Codex

Writer's picture: Todd BrysonTodd Bryson

Hello everyone!

You may have noticed that what you are experiencing as an awakening is actually a series of mini awakenings that are happening within you and each awakening that takes place brings you to a new level of consciousness with a clearer view of who you really are and why you came here.

Each stage has been carefully orchestrated to arouse a remembrance of the divinity flowing through you.

With that being said, let's call your awakening what it really is, a dance with creation. It is the universe's creator who takes your hand and leads you through an extraordinary journey back to self. This path may seem difficult, or even insurmountable and that is why only the Creator can guide you through it. And when you finally awaken entirely, it will be the Creator that you will see and embrace.

Doesn't get more story book that.

I may have gone crazy and spent several days making this article but it will be worth it to help you identify what level of awakening you are currently exploring, and how to manage the unique energies of said awakening.

Keep in mind that you may be going through more than one of these at once, its not really a linear process as you know. You may also realize that some of these awakenings happened well before the big one that led you to this article. For example, I had my empath awakening at 15 almost 10 years before any other kind of awakening but I always tell people I woke up in '09 much later than that.

The fields have been sown, the groundwork has been laid, so let's get started :)

Cosmic Law Awakening

Awakening to the familiar laws that govern the cosmos such as the Law of Attraction and Universal Oneness. When this understanding jumps into the forefront, you can expect a shift in your vibration and repeated experiences of synchronicity as you find the flow of it all.

Positive Symptoms: You feel an intense connection to the Universe and its secrets. You become more self-aware, understanding your own patterns, motivations and the results they may attract.

Negative Symptoms: You may become overwhelmed by your newfound understanding, feeling like you don’t know where to go from here.

How to Fast Track: Study universal law and practice implementing it in your daily life. Take note of when you experience positive or negative results so that you can adjust and refine your practice as needed.

Elder Awakening

This type of awakening involves obtaining a deep awareness and connection to the wisdom and guidance of your ancestors that was not there before. It is often experienced as a strong inner knowing that creates an intuitive understanding of the cycles of life.

Positive Symptoms: A connection with the divine, a heightened sense of purpose and direction, increased creativity, and a feeling of being connected to something greater than yourself.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the spiritual information you are receiving or feeling ungrounded at times due to the intensity of your experiences.

How to Fast Track: Visit sacred sites, and find ways to connect with nature and your ancestors, practice grounding exercises to stay connected to the physical world, and meditate or pray for guidance from specific spiritual Guides.

Healing Awakening

This type of awakening brings with it an understanding that healing is not only possible but required to move forward. It involves recognizing the underlying energetic imbalances within and without and learning how to bring them back into alignment.

Positive Symptoms: A deep sense of inner peace, joy, and contentment as well as increased spiritual awareness.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of healing work that needs to be done, difficulty trusting yourself and others due to past trauma.

How to Fast Track: Connect with other healers and spiritual teachers, learn energy healing modalities such as Reiki or Shamanic Healing, practice daily self-care rituals, and create space for yourself to process your emotions.

Miracle Awakening

This type of awakening is often experienced after a life-altering event, such as a near-death experience or a spiritual epiphany. It involves recognizing the power of divine intervention and living in alignment with your highest purpose.

Positive Symptoms: Peace of mind, that nothing is truly impossible.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of your spiritual experiences or feeling disconnected from the physical world as a result.

How to Fast Track: Spend time in nature and meditate regularly to connect with Source energy, practice gratitude and daily acts of kindness to raise your vibration, reach out for support when you need it, and be open to the miracles that come your way.

Emotional Body Awakening

This type of awakening is about the release and transformation of emotions that you have been holding onto for many years. It can be very intense and overwhelming, but it is also a powerful process that helps to free up blocked energy in your body and psychic systems.

Positive Symptoms: A sense of profound peace, improved emotional intelligence, and increased self-awareness.

Negative Symptoms: Uncontrollable emotions and heavy fears that can be difficult to manage, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of your experiences.

How to Fast Track: Practice mindful meditation, use grounding practices such as walking or yoga, journaling, and affirmations to help you process your emotions in a healthy way. Find a

Empath Awakening

This kind of awakening happens when you become aware of your ability to sense and feel the emotions of others. It often involves developing an understanding of how your sensitivity can be used to help heal, support, and understand the experiences of others.

Positive Symptoms: Increased empathy towards others, improved intuition, and sensing energy, heightened awareness of subtle energy fields, being able to use your gifts to help others.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the emotions and energies of other people, feeling drained or exhausted after being around people for extended periods of time, and difficulty setting boundaries.

How to Fast Track: Practice energy healing techniques such as Reiki and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and practice self-care self expression rituals such as journaling.

Holistic Awakening

This type of awakening involves understanding and experiencing the interconnectedness between your mind, body, and spirit. It is about understanding how all aspects of yourself are affected by each other.

Positive Symptoms: A sense of greater clarity, a better connection to your intuition, an increase in creativity and power.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, confusion about where to begin in terms of self-development.

How to Fast Track: Practice mindfulness meditation and yoga, journaling, affirmations, and energy healing techniques such as Reiki and EFT. Find ways to connect with yourself through activities such as walking or art-making.

Inner Child Awakening

This type of awakening is about reconnecting with your inner child and the deeper parts of yourself that you may have suppressed in order to survive. Reclaiming this part of yourself can be a powerful process that helps free up energy and open up new possibilities in life.

Positive Symptoms: Increased self-confidence and trust, improved relationships, feeling more spontaneous and creative.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions from the past, difficulty dealing with difficult life situations without overreacting or feeling overwhelmed.

How to Fast Track: Practice self-compassion exercises such as guided meditation and journaling, use affirmations to help you heal old wounds.

Multi-Dimensional Awakening

Becoming aware that your true state is a multi-dimensional one and that you are only pretending to be linear and 3D. You may experience a feeling of disconnection from the physical world, and feel that you are living in multiple realities at once.

Positive Symptoms: A feeling of being connected to multiple realms or dimensions, increased psychic abilities, and a better understanding of the laws of the universe.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed and confused by all of the information you are receiving, or becoming too disconnected from your 3D reality to function normally.

How to Fast Track: Connect with spiritual teachers for guidance, practice energy healing or grounding exercises to stay connected to the physical world, and meditate or pray with intention.

Light Body Awakening

Experiencing a shift in your energetic bodies as you begin to access higher frequencies of light and awareness. You may experience a sense of disconnection from your physical body and a sensation of pure consciousness.

Positive Symptoms: A feeling of being connected to the higher realms, increased energy levels and access to wisdom from beyond space-time.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the light energy you are receiving, or feeling too disconnected from your physical reality to function normally.

How to Fast Track: Connect with light beings or spiritual teachers for guidance, practice energy healing or grounding exercises to stay connected to the physical world, and meditate or pray with intention.

Heart Space Awakening

The heart awakening process is one that comes from a place of deep love. It involves opening up to giving and receiving love in all forms. This type of awakening involves a strong connection to the power of divine grace and unconditional love.

Positive Symptoms: Feeling connected to a source of love and healing, increased intuition, and a deep sense of inner peace.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the love energy you are receiving, or feeling too disconnected from your physical reality to function normally.

How to Fast Track: Connect with spiritual teachers for guidance, practice self-love and compassion towards yourself and others, and meditate or pray for peace and understanding.

Contact Awakening

This is when you experience a direct connection with a higher power or divine source of energy spontaneously. It is often accompanied by feelings of being intensely awakened to the world around you and can feel like an almost epiphany-like moment. To manage this type of awakening it is important to remain grounded, open-minded, and patient because these experiences happen early, and sometimes stop which will ultimately lead you to create the right conditions in your life to recreate it.

Positive Symptoms: Profound, life-changing experiences and moments that bring clarity, comprehension of life purpose, and inner peace.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed or confused by what is being experienced

How to Fast Track: Set a clear intention to connect again and walk a path of self-development to create and maintain a fruitful connection with divine source.

Kundalini Awakening

This is when dormant energy stored in the lower body is activated and begins to rise up through the body. It is accompanied by physical sensations such as tingling, heat, cold, and even pain along with feelings of intense energy and overwhelming emotions. In order to manage this type of awakening it is important to stay grounded and practice yoga, meditation, and other spiritual disciplines in order to help regulate the energy flow.

Positive Symptoms: Increased awareness, mental clarity, emotional balance, physical vitality.

Negative Symptoms: Anxiety, dizziness, headaches/migraines.

How to Fast Track: Practice breathwork, yoga, and other spiritual practices to help regulate the energy flow.

Third Eye Awakening

This is when the third eye or Ajna chakra opens and one begins to experience psychic phenomena, heightened intuition, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, and telepathy. To manage this awakening it is important to practice mindfulness and remain present in each moment. Meditation, chanting mantras, and visualization techniques can help open your third eye and cultivate a greater understanding of this powerful energy.

Positive Symptoms: Increased intuition, emotional intelligence, creativity, and harmony with the spiritual realm

Negative Symptoms: Headaches, difficulty sleeping, fatigue

How to Fast Track: Practice regular meditation, chant mantras, and engage in visualization techniques on a daily basis to cultivate greater understanding and clarity within.

Fire Awakening

Fire awakenings happen fast and are a process of spiritual evolution in which the individual's sense of self and connection to something beyond the physical realm becomes irresistible. Those experiencing a fire awakening tend to have very little hesitation in pursuing their spiritual goals and will find themselves feeling more alive, passionate, and driven while in their pursuit. Fire awakenings tend to come with a sense of urgency to move and act quickly.

Positive Symptoms: Increased self-awareness, heightened mental clarity, a strong impulse to pursue spiritual goals, feeling of being driven and connected to something greater.

Negative Symptoms: Burnout, sensitivity to energies outside of you, emotional intensity.

How to Fast Track: Connect with spiritual teachers, engage in meditation and energy healing practices, and focus on your heart-centered goals.

Synchronicity Awakening

Different from a harmony awakening in that it is a realization that certain events, coincidences, and signs in life are occurring for a particular purpose and this purpose becomes too prominent to ignore. Those experiencing a synchronicity awakening will often find themselves seeing patterns everywhere and coming to the understanding that there are hidden messages being communicated to them from the universe which then leads them to the practice of decoding these messages.

Positive Symptoms: Feeling of being guided towards something greater, strong intuition or gut feeling that something significant is happening or about to happen, and a stronger connection with the spiritual realm.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling as if life is out of control, confusion about why certain things are happening in the way that they are.

How to Fast Track: Spend time in meditation or journaling to explore the messages that are being sent and open yourself up to receive them. Make an effort to pay attention to your surroundings and observe the patterns that are showing up in your life.

Activation Awakening

Fast spiritual activations in a short period of time that don't require a long process. Instead, it is the sudden realization that one has been gifted with spiritual gifts or knowledge from above and must take swift action to use them. Activation awakenings can happen unexpectedly and often require quick action in order to be of service.

Positive Symptoms: Sudden shifts in perspective, new insights and understandings, a strong urge to act on divinely inspired knowledge.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed or stressed by the sudden rush of information, fear of acting on this knowledge to make a difference in the world.

How to Fast Track: Spend time connecting with your higher self and meditating on what it is telling you to do. Make sure that you are taking action in alignment with your spiritual guidance

Akashic Records Awakening

An awakening experience that occurs when an individual realizes their connection to the Akashic Records, which are universal archives of all past, present and future events. This type of awakening leads to a deep understanding of one's soul's purpose and mission in life.

Positive Symptoms: A sense of knowing your true purpose and destiny, feeling connected to universal information and knowledge, understanding the truth about yourself and your life.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information that can be accessed or feeling disconnected from one’s spiritual guidance.

How to Fast Track: Spend time in meditation connecting with the Akashic Records, asking questions and receiving answers. Also engage in spiritual practices such as journaling or tarot reading to help unlock the information contained within.

Nature Awakening

An awakening that occurs when an individual becomes aware of the interconnectedness of all living things and their relationship to nature. This type of awakening leads to a deeper appreciation for life and an understanding that each action taken has consequences on the world around us.

Positive Symptoms: A greater sense of compassion, love and respect for the natural world, feeling connected to the energy of nature and the universe.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling disconnected from nature or overwhelmed by its power, not knowing how to make a difference in the world.

How to Fast Track: Spend time in nature connecting with the elements and observing their beauty. Utilize spiritual practices such as walking meditations and journaling to deepen your connection and understanding.

Star Awakening

An awakening that occurs when an individual realizes their connection to the stars and the power of astrology. This type of awakening leads to a greater understanding of self, purpose, and universal energies and cosmic families.

Positive Symptoms: A feeling of alignment with cosmic energy, heightened intuition, a deeper understanding of life’s cycles and patterns.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information, difficulty deciphering and interpreting astrological signs and symbols.

How to Fast Track: Spend time connecting with your birth chart or tarot cards to uncover more insight into your life purpose. Utilize meditation and spiritual tools such as crystal healing or ritual baths to help you open up further

Crystal Awakening

An awakening that occurs when an individual realizes the power of crystals and how they can be used to heal, energize, and raise one’s vibration. This type of awakening leads to a greater understanding of the energies within and around us.

Positive Symptoms: Increased physical energy, heightened intuition, improved spiritual alignment.

Negative Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information, and difficulty understanding how to use crystals for healing.

How to Fast Track: Educate yourself on the properties of different crystals and learn to work with them in accordance with your own energy levels. Utilize tools such as crystal grids or meditations to help amplify the effect.

That will do for now, I could have written thousands of words dedicated to each step in the awakening process, but I kept it short and concise in order to bring a more diverse awareness of each type of awakening and how it can be fast-tracked.

I have personally experienced 10 of these awakenings! With many more not mentioned here : )

Thank you for reading!!

Todd Bryson

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1 Comment

Apr 27, 2023

Wow, now that is a fine list of awakening types! The miracle awakening was definitely what I experienced by the age of 16. Afterwards, I was blessed with an inner peace and calmness that was and is unshakeable forever and can't be taken away. It opened an alternative spiritual path for me back then, but I've decided to take the sheep path, for good reasons. Powerful awakening for sure. Next to others on this list, this has been my earliest one. Thank you, Sir Todd.


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